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Glorious Mix

17th Preetz Papier Theater Festival – by Peter Peasgood

In spite of all the difficulties in journeying to Preetz in northern Germany from our home in Leicester in the center of England this festival must not be missed by us who love Papier Theater. We have had once again a glorious mix of the Classical, the Experimental, the Small and the Large. Probably one of the best Preetz festivals we have attended. For anyone visiting for the first time such as our daughter Sarah they were able to observe the differences in performer personality and how this reflected in the show they perform. This Difference is absolutely vital for any festival. We may disagree during meal breaks (food brilliantly organised by Martina Bliese and her kitchen crew) that so and so was too long and so and so was too short but all that matters is that we were at Preetz to see them.

I have noticed over the years that performers sometimes tend to belittle their own presentations and seem humbled by the very fact that they are performing at all. This may be one of the unfortunate side effects of our difficult art. Lighting, scenery, caracter design and presentation must all come out the imagination in months of preparation. The trick is to make it all come together before an audience which is not always receptive. In a way, to the creator the performance can be an anti climax after the many hours of thought that have gone before but the papier theater performance if all goes well displays that little magic not to be experienced elsewhere. It appeals to the child within, it points to a time of innocence and reminds us always of our humanity.

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